Sunday, November 12, 2017

November and December

Hi everybody! Let's kick off November  for the group this Tuesday night...we'll meet over at the church at 6:15 or so. Bring a snack to share and a game if you'd like.

We'll plan on meeting the rest of the Tuesdays this month at the church.

In December, we'll take that first Tuesday off, then meet up Tues the 12th. We would like to have the 12th be a Christmas/Advent night. Perhaps some Christmas hymns/carols, advent candles, maybe a white elephant exchange? Something like that.

Then we will meet the 19th of December, probably at the church, before taking a break the rest of the month and reconvening in the new year on Tuesday, January 9th 2018!

Hope that gives you a framework to plan around in the coming Holyday season, :)

God bless and see you soon- Steve