Monday, December 14, 2015

Hey guys! Sorry for the day before post, but wanted to make sure I write that we will be meeting up tomorrow (12/15) as usual at our house. Just bring a candy (m&ms, etc?) to decorate a ginger bread house. We bought these little ginger bread houses to make with the kiddos and they have been begging to do them. We thought while the kids make their house (and we can help), we can talk, etc. :) Come one come all, 630pm.


Monday, December 7, 2015

12/8 Tuesday; 630pm

Hello everyone! We did scattering last week so its been awhile since we've met up. Tomorrow we will be at our house, 630 pm. Come one, come all! It's gonna be cookie night, so bring your favorite cookies. Homemade or store bought, it's all good! Allie and I have been taking our family through advent, lighting the wreath and having a scripture reading/reflection/activity for the kiddos. We thought that might be fun to do together and then just hang out after. See ya tomorrow! Steve