Sunday, October 25, 2015

Plans for this week..

So normally we would be getting together on Tuesday night this week. But, a couple things are going on: 1. Our son's end of soccer season party is on Tuesday night. 2. Saturday being Halloween, we thought it would be a good idea to walk around with our kiddos and get to know a few more people in the neighborhood (all while the kiddos get candy of course). In fact, our neighbors kiddy korner to us would like to meet up at 5pm and trick or treat with us (they have two young kids). What a cool way to get to know them a little better, talking while walking around the neighborhood! Please join in on Saturday; email me if interested. We will probably meet at our house around 5pm and then just walk for about an hr. Have an awesome week, don't hesitate to call/text/email questions/prayer requests/or other needs. Thanks! - Steve

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Tuesday Community Get-Together! Get in on the action... :)

Hello community! Just wanted to jot a quick post to let you know the plan for this Tuesday. Again, we meet at our house at 630pm. The snack to bring this week we decided will be a fruit theme. Bring a snack that has to do with fruit (apples with something to dip in, just apples, etc, etc...). It could be anything really. Go ahead and post something here if you plan on coming if you like. If you saw our community prayed for at the service today and are thinking you might be interested in checking it out, don't hesitate to email me and ask any questions. Even better, just show up on Tuesday! :) See ya then...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

First community get-together this Tuesday! Come on over!

Hello! Hope everyone is having a good weekend...I just wanted to update this post to clarify our meeting time. We are meeting at our house (Shapiro's), at 6:30pm - 8:00pm this Tuesday night. We are going to be having "snack night", so eat dinner beforehand, unless you want to eat snacks for dinner. Feel free to bring a snack/dessert/etc of your choice. And of course it will be very informal so if you bring your dinner over its no problem to come on over and eat here as well. We will be doing community dinners/potlucks in the future, but probably not every week so as not to become burdensome or routine. Please email me if you are interested in coming! Thanks, Steve

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tuesday the 13th

Hello there! I'm Steve and my wife Allie and I are hosting this new community group in the SW Port/Barbur/Ashcreek/Metzger area :) Anyways, we are very excited to start, and think God will use this community in each others lives and in the lives of our neighbors. If you are seeing this and are looking for a community group to be a part of, feel free to email me and ask questions if you like. You can also just show up on Tuesday the 13th at 6:00. We will be posting this weekend again about possible meal/dish ideas to share!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Coming Soon!

The SW Portland/Barbur Community will start meeting on Tuesday evening, October 13th from 6-8! This community is led by Steve & Allie Shapiro who have been involved at Colossae for a few years. If you would like more info about this community please email them at