Monday, February 22, 2016

Hey there community! We are meeting at the Ronnie house this week... 10900 SW 78th Ave. Tigard, OR 97223. Come on over, bring a snack to share, and enjoy our last community night of the month. 6:30 pm. Email if questions:

See ya Tuesday!


PS: If possible, post below if you plan on coming. If not no worries though! :)

Monday, February 15, 2016

Hi everyone! We are meeting up tomorrow at our normal time, bring a snack to share if you like...we also may put on a movie for the kiddos depending on how things go. Please call or email me if any below to let us know you are coming.

see ya tomorrow, 630pm,


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hey SW Portland peeps! We are back in action on Tuesday, on a collision course with a dinner course...haha. Sorry for that, anyways, we will be having our monthly meal together at our house. We thought we would have a spaghetti night. Allie and I will have noodles cooking. Other items to bring: Spaghetti sauce, salad, bread/breadsticks?, dessert. Please list anything you might want to bring in the comments below. As always call 541-231-2029 or text me with ?'s, or email me

much love in Jesus,

Steve and Allie

PS: As always, on our dinner night we move the start time back to 6:00 so we aren't eating such a late meal. See ya Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I hope everyone has a good "scatter" week, taking extra time with your family and hopefully with neighbors too! Blessings in Christ,

Steve and Allie